

TM 2008-03-06 15:51:43
FTP hesla - dekodovani
Mam maly problem - ve Far manageru mam definovano asi 20 hesel ale zadny z pluginu ani ostatnich softwaru mi neprecte vsechna hesla. Proste nektere FTP se mi ve vypisech vubec neobjevi (a samotne ftp pripojeni funguje). Poradite nekdo?

Nasel jsem jeste toto:
Let's assume our password is: abcdef
   1. XOR first character 'a' with second character 'b'
   2. Perform logical AND operation with the first character and byte 50h:
      'a' AND 0x50
      (note that 'a' is not anymore 'a' here after the first step)
   3. In a loop, starting from the first byte, 'c', we XOR all remaining bytes with the first character.
Nevite jestli je to jeste platne nebo se hesla kryptuji jinak?

joe 2008-03-06 16:16:19
Re: FTP hesla - dekodovani
Ja jsem v svn repozitari FTP pluginu nasel nasledujici text:

   LogType: BOOL
   RegType: DWORD
      Name: ShowPassword
   Default: FALSE
   Meaning: Do not replace password text with "*HIDDEN*"

a v ftp_Crypt.inc byla funkce:

void DecryptPassword( BYTE Src[FTP_PWD_LEN],char *_Dest)
  {  BYTE XorMask = (Src[0]^Src[1]) | 80;
     int  n;
     char *Dest = _Dest;

     //Log(( "DecryptPassword: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X",Src[0],Src[1],Src[2],Src[3],Src[4],Src[5] ));

     if ( Src[0] && Src[1] && Src[2] )
       for( n = 2; n < FTP_PWD_LEN; n++,Dest++ ) {
         *Dest = Src[n] ^ XorMask;
         if ( *Dest == 0 ||
            &nb sp; *Dest == XorMask )
     *Dest = 0;

     //Log(( "DecryptPassword: [%s]",_Dest ));

TM 2008-03-10 16:16:49
Re: FTP hesla - dekodovani
to vypada zajimave... jen mi to uplne nefunguje - mohl bych poprosit jeste o zdroj pro kryptovaci funkci? slibuji ze pak uz prestanu otravovat :-)

joe 2008-03-10 18:58:52
Re: FTP hesla - dekodovani
viz. http://farmanager.com/svn/trunk/plugins/ftp/ftp_Crypt.inc

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