K tomu zatuhnuti autor rika, ze to je chyba Windows a ze s tim zkusi neco udelat:
It seems to be Windows XP bug. It hides the drop down list in combobox if it
is empty. I was able to reproduce it in WinZip and MSIE comboboxes too. So
actually we have a hidden combobox above dialog buttons and stealing mouse
clicks from these buttons. If we press Esc, drop down list is closed and
buttons are available once again.
Same code works correctly in Windows
2000, Vista and 7. Drop down list is not hidden, so users are not confused
and can easily close it.
I'll check if it is possible to implement some
A k te tecce na progresbaru rika, ze to je zamerne, je to pokus o kovovy odlesk, jen je mozna trochu svetlejsi.. :-)
I do not think it is a bug. This code was written many years ago, so I do not
remember details. But I think, this extra point was supposed to imitate a
speckle of glare on a border of two metal surfaces. Maybe it is a little too