RAR Support


Varování: Zpráva, na kterou reagujete, je starší než 6 měsíců.

Původní zpráva
26. května 2005
Re: Kodovani nazvu v zip souborech
Podle autora RARu ZIP format nepodporuje unicode ani urceni pouzite kodove stranky. WinRAR zkousi zjistit kodovou stranku hueristicky, s vetsim nekdy mensim uspechem. Nasleduje plne zneni Roshalovy odpovedi:

Original ZIP format does not support Unicode and it does not define a code page to use in ASCII file names. This archive is not an exception. Maybe it stores Unicode names somewhere, but WinRAR and other ZIP compatible archivers read only ASCII names from it. Since ZIP code page is not strictly defined, WinRAR has to use some heuristics to detect it. Usually they work well, sometimes they fail. It is due to nature of ZIP format. Other archivers may fail to detect the correct encoding in other situations. Besides, when I tried to decompress this archive using the command line PKUNZIP 4.0, it failed to do it and reported that name is incorrect. And it is PKUNZIP, the tool designed by developers of ZIP format.

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